The portal for perfect wedding planning.

Most beautiful wedding locations in your area
Top service providers in your city
Guides & checklists for wedding planning
Fast & free

Custome Design for Listing Page

Unique features are Google map integration, search as I move the map functionality and an advanced search tool.Prime important is the contact of sellers with the customers. Customer / Users can contact wedding services seller / location owner by doing inquiry.

Filter functionality on listing page

We have come up with the options to filter the listing by different criteria.You can filter the listing as per their categories & sub categories, by location, by distance, by price, etc. A super awesome feature that makes experience of users smooth than they could imagine.

SEO Friendly

Have you noticed that when Google returns searches, sometimes there are ratings next to listings and sometimes there aren’t? We’ve coded to make it Search engine Friendly right from the start. It offers URLs which are super attractive for search engines & it will always show up the right way. Google will love you, and so will your prospective customers.

Attractive registration functionality
Subscription process

We made complete management of payments via Heidelpay. It also offers another stunning feature for the members where they can register and subscribe to a corresponding package and pay on a regular basis (the membership conditions & duration can be chosen in the control panel by the admin).

Fast & free chat with wedding providers

Contact your dream wedding location and the best service providers via the provider profiles. Chat about your inbox fast, free and seamlessly about all important data.